quick event entry

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/12/12 18:22
Akin to quick search <CTRL>+F
a  quick event entry to follow the following protocol
event + time  (am / pm) + location (@)
so user could open a quick event dialog <CTRL>+Q
like google calendar & enter
dinner w Pierre next sun 5-8pm (early bird special) @ iHop
and IQ would add this event to the calendar on the correct date
Google quick event understands
next saturday vs saturday, etc
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

While we're still on calendars, a couple of things from my files

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/12/12 12:50
Pierre, two calendar items for your consideration.

On my netbook, the 7 day weekly view is visible only by horizontal scroll. Nothing wrong w that per se but wonder if you think if auto adjusting columns might be an option for graphic calendar.

Second: allowing user to enter date in date drop down menu field via two enter clicks instead of focus click + down arrow click to see calendar entry dialog.

Default Selection Mode, Cell vs. Item (entire row)

Submitted by d bartlett on 2009/12/11 23:54
A few days ago, after executing Item/Select Item to select-hilight an entire row in an attempt to copy/paste that entire row from Address Book back into Address Book as a similar data row entry, some sort of selection default was altered such that now, when working within any grid and clicking on any cell within any row, the entire row is automatically selected-hilighted insted of just the cell.  Before the aforementioned copy/paste attempt only just the clicked-upon cell would initially be selected-hilighted, but now it's the entire row by default.  A ground-level result of this change is that I can no longer select a single cell and use keyboard Ctrl+c / Ctrl+V to do a simple simple copy / paste from one cell to another because the more complicated "What do you want to copy?" Menu gets activated instead.  How do I return to the former state where clicking on a cell selected-hilighted only the cell and entire row selection was accomplished

Live Links to IQ Grids (from MSWord, Excel) -- Comments

Submitted by JJSlote on 2009/12/11 23:33
Didn't want to clutter up a Book thread, but must say I'm eagerly anticipating the Live Link capability soon to reach prerelease.
You may recall I was looking for an analysis matrix modeled on the Calendar. Should have figured out that Excel allows the user to place shape objects on the grid, with data echoed from cell addresses.  Now the cells will be populated with live data centrally maintained in InfoQube. Precisely what I was looking for. 
Consider a well-designed matrix like this one (just grabbed off the web), and suppose the descriptions were maintained in IQ:

Information lost in HTML Pane

Submitted by arehrlich on 2009/12/11 09:22
I've been following the development of IQ for quite a while.  Very impressive application and I'm thrilled to donate and participate once again.
I've been working on a book outline and hoisted a section to add some clarity to my thinking.  I began writing in the HTML pane of one of the entries. After moving some items around, the HTML pane is blank. A bunch of work gone... but more importantly an instability in IQ.  I don't know if this would have happened if the section wasn't hoisted... I'll play around and see if it happens again.

IMPORTANT : *conditionnal* hierarchical calculations seem to interfere with auto-assignment rules/equations <SOLVED>

Submitted by Armando on 2009/12/09 14:49
I spent countless hours trying to figure out what exactly was happening.
Equations in the auto-assignment equations were triggered without any direct interaction with fields and I was wondering what was happening (seemed they were no "Push" equations, but... "pull"). I of course suspected my poor coding... So I rewrote many things without success.
Today I discovered that when there's some conditionnal hierarchical equations in a field, autoassignments for this field are recalculated each time the hierarchical calculation is "accessed" for some reasons...
Hence :
1- a tremendous slowdown in operations
2- distorted results.
I am pretty sure this is the case... But Pierre, can you confirm that ?