New Item does not show up on Related Item Dialog until the grid is re-opened

Submitted by Alp on 2019/11/26 16:30
I am studying "Related Items"; so I apologize if I missed the obvious answer to my question:

When I try to relate a newly created item in a grid to a currently existing item on another grid, Related Item dialog doesn't show this newly created item; F5 doesn't help, either. I need to close the grid where the new item resides and re-open it, only then the item appears on Related Item dialog.
Second, when I select "(all items)" on Related Item dialog, it doesn't populate the list at all.


Trouble Alt+Tabbing to New Item dialog/window (anyone else?)

Submitted by Tom on 2019/11/26 09:04
Open a New Item dialogue/window
Move focus to a different window, try alt+tabbing back to the New Item window -- occasionally it works, but mostly jumps to the main IQ window.
Workaround is to minimise main window, dialogue then shows.
I have only one PC atm so cannot test if this an IQ problem or a graphics problem on this machine.
Windows 7 x64 / Portable IQ build 'o'

Using tags on live-search tab

Submitted by Alp on 2019/11/20 09:49
I have three questions/requests regarding Live-Search tab where I search for items by selecting tags:

1. "Item Name" column on live-search is empty for grids where I replaced "Item Name" field with some other field, say, "FirstName.", which is "Is Tree Column" on that particular grid. Is there a way to show both "FirstName" and "LastName" instead of "Item Name" on live-search grid?
2. "Shown In" column does not show grids whose "source" field resides at "some other" grid while it shows grid hosting that particular "source". It would be more convenient if it also showed that "some other" grid.
3. An "adjustable right side" of tags column on live-search tab would be handy for those who have somehow longer tag names.


Drag & drop text from Docpane into the grid to create items + phantom layer issue (bug?)

Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/11/20 08:03

a) I had the impression that I could Drag&Drop text from Docpane into the grid, and new items were created. However, in my current tests, I’m not able to achieve that. Is it possible to create items in the grid by dragging & dropping text from Docpane?

b) Just reporting a possible bug: Even without accomplishing the creation of items, the drag & drop from the Docpane into the grid "phantom" layer, which remains active on screen after minimizing IQ. Such layer appears even over other applications and is removed only when I close IQ. I recorded my screen showing the issue using IQ v0.9.114o:

I tested IQ in two different computers, which specifications are listed below.

Pin recent files

Submitted by WayneK on 2019/11/18 11:19
Very minor suggestion: allow files to be pinned in the recent files list so they always remain in view.
This allows you to always see your regular files at the top even if you have to open a lot of other nonstandard files (eg backups).