Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2008-11-27 tagged items --> should be able to remove an item from the tagged items list, without clearing the whole list Armando 7 Armando 2009-10-13
2009-01-24 How does user filter for 'tagged' items? jan_rifkinson 10 Pierre_Admin 2009-10-13
2009-10-13 [SOLVED] VB itemcolor (e.g. : &H6DB6B6) will disrupt HTML export Armando 5 Armando 2009-10-13
2009-10-11 Manage Fields: nbparents field prompts to save changes when none made Tom 3 Pierre_Admin 2009-10-12
2009-07-19 Calendar not working in my database file thorsten 11 thorsten 2009-10-12
2009-10-11 Big HTML documents in html pane can freeze the program when editing or just viewing Armando 5 Armando 2009-10-12
2009-10-11 Pasting multiline text creates new items Tom 3 Pierre_Admin 2009-10-11
2009-10-10 Field Mgmt dialog redone KeithB 4 Tom 2009-10-11
2009-10-10 HTML pane open automatically? KeithB 2 KeithB 2009-10-11
2009-10-08 zoom command <F11> inconsistent & confusing jan_rifkinson 4 Tom 2009-10-09
2009-06-20 Save and recall arbitrary/manual sorting Armando 7 jan_rifkinson 2009-10-09
2009-10-06 child assigned to boolean field w/o inheritance option jan_rifkinson 13 Tom 2009-10-09
2009-09-26 Grids buttons (in the view->grids submenu / "views" toolbar ) don't work well when loading multiple databases Armando 4 Tom 2009-10-08
2009-10-05 Cannot dismiss repair dialog Jon 12 Jon 2009-10-07
2009-09-30 Add link to Item field when making web-clipping ? Tom 13 Tom 2009-10-06
2009-10-02 Export a field (multiple items) to web - loses column formatting Tom 4 Tom 2009-10-06
2009-10-05 column display static between program re-starts - inconsistent jan_rifkinson 1 Armando 2009-10-05
2009-10-05 Option: open tabs should berestored on program re-start jan_rifkinson 1 Armando 2009-10-05
2009-10-04 InfoQube.exe process idling between 5-10% CPU consumption Armando 6 Tom 2009-10-05
2009-09-25 Need advice on the best way to use a few default fields --> EndDate + StartDate, TaskDate Armando 4 Armando 2009-10-04
2009-10-04 To complete some operatons: Refresh, Jump between itmes, grids or program re-start jan_rifkinson 4 Armando 2009-10-04
2009-10-04 Cursor problems in HTML pane Tom 1 Armando 2009-10-04
2009-10-02 Copying into IQ - performance issues Jon 22 Armando 2009-10-04
2009-10-03 Inexpensive dB discussion on outline forum jan_rifkinson 2 jan_rifkinson 2009-10-03
2009-10-03 why can't copy paste html preserve format jan_rifkinson 10 jan_rifkinson 2009-10-03