may I ask is there a keyboard shortcut to "collapse/expand all items " ?

Submitted by seanlu21 on 2017/07/17 03:26
 Hi, only a simply question: I had searched in the forum but not found answer.
I want to know , thinking this is helpful for me to easily move around inside grids among all items, how can I collapse, or expand all items ? which only let me see all the parent items?
Sean Lu

Adding additional parent using control click and drag doesn't work

Submitted by gregory on 2017/07/17 00:22
I usually use Item / Mark items, then Item / Add marked items as children to assign an additional parent.
I thought it would be nice to try the alternative, control and click and drag. Doesn't work for me - whenever I try it, IQ tries to draw a net around multiple items. Also, very annoyingly, I was trying to click and drag an item in my Appointments grid elsewhere. My finger slipped off the control key, and the item in the appointment was moved rather than copied. Result: it fell out of the calendar, and the Where and the Description for the appointment were lost.
Comments / help for the idiotic (me!) would be appreciated.

Copy/paste bug

Submitted by WayneK on 2017/07/15 14:55
Copy/paste doesn't work if cell contains bullets.
Example 1 - copy/paste works
1) cell contains normal text.
2) Copy cell (not in edit mode);  Paste in new cell (not in edit mode).
3) Correctly pastes all text in new cell, overwriting any existing cell
Example 2 - copy/paste doesn't work
1) cell contains bulleted text (bullets inserted using alt-7:  • like this)
2) same as above
3) pastes single quote mark instead of copied text.
This will probably be arcane for most people but I use bulleted text a lot.  I've tested it quite a few times and re-booted.
Might as well add these, too: 
1) You cannot copy an item containing an image and paste it elsewhere (it pastes a blank).  I hav

Alignment request

Submitted by WayneK on 2017/07/15 11:37
For setting up tables in the grid, it would be useful to be able to set alignment of individual cells.  As far as I can tell, you can only set alignment globally (eg by column).  To get right alignment, I've been adding spaces in front of words, which is awkward at best.


Hyperlinks are supported in just about all UIs, shown as blue text: 

Hyperlinks can point to:
  1. Items
  2. Grids
  3. Grid sub-views (i.e. Card view, Map view, Timeline view, Pivot table / charts)
  4. Fields (to show all items with a value for that field)
  5. Tags (to show all items with that tag)
  6. WikiTags (shows all items that have a specific WikiTag)
  7. Files and folders
  8. URLs
  9. Outlook items (email, event, inbox, etc)
  10. Other apps items, using their URI protocol

Batch convert item HTML content to MHT files?

Submitted by Armando on 2017/07/14 14:48
Hi Pierre,
Wondering if there's a relatively easy way to batch convert item's HTML content (from the HTML pane) to MHT files...?
(I normally clip stuff as MHT, but for some  reasons -- not sure why : I probably uncheck the "save as MHT" check box inadvertently and only notice it after a while :(  -- , I end up clipping as plain HTML. I now have around 350 items that I need to concert back to MHT)
**If anyone wonders why I prefer clipping as MHT. 2 reasons :
- MHT files are indexed by other desktop search engines (makes it much, much easier to search all references at once),
- I can easily comment them in MS Word.

Column Widths

Submitted by WayneK on 2017/07/13 14:34
Suggestions to make it easier to set multiple columns to same width.  Right now, you have to go to Add/Remove Columns and manually change the width of each column, one at a time.  If the resulting columns aren't wide enough, you have to go back and do each one again.
1) Allow selection and revision of multiple columns at same time in Add/Remove dialogue.
2) Add Excel capability: if you select multiple columns in grid view and drag the width of one, all the selected columns are set to that same width.
Let me know if there's another existing way to set multiple column widths.