HTML pane not syncing and possible loss of data

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/08/07 19:09
Sorry, this is really making me crazy.  Is anyone except for me seeing these problems?
Pierre, on my machine I find the following happens quite often
I move from item to item but properties &/.or HTML data doesn't follow
HTML data that is imported as a new item is visible where ever focus was the last time the program was used, i.e. on a totally irrelevant item.

In Windowed Mode, clicking X on a grid's Title Bar does not close the grid

Submitted by JJSlote on 2009/08/07 18:02
 With free-floating grid windows, i.e.: "Use Workspace Tabs" set to OFF, the windows cannot be closed as far as I can determine, only minimized.

(I figured everyone had already noticed this, but then realized most folks work in Tabbed mode, which is functioning properly. )


copy item w html content from one grid to another - not

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/08/07 14:00
08/07/09 02:23 pm tested again using <CTRL>+<:LEFT><CLICK> + drag / drop onto 2nd TLI .  Sub item w html data was created.
It was impossible for me to find the scroll point in the 2nd grid
After pasting to new location, all grid 2 items collapsed & focus jumped to first TLI in grid
IQ was able to do what I wanted, i.e.

Gantt charts

Submitted by david1904 on 2009/08/06 22:26
When working with projects and gantt charts - Is it possible to assign resources to task within a project so as to be able to see (eg colour change) when resources are inadequate for planned activities.
I'm thinking particularly of the situation when an individual may have several long and medium term projects on the go simultaneously, along with regular daily or weekly tasks - and only so many hours in a day/week/month.
It would be nice to visualise time crunches or potential bottlenecks when planning and monitoring progress.
I think what I want to do is have a way of:
Allocating a resource of x hours week over 6 days Eg up to 12 hours in any 1 day, but not more than 50 hours in any 1 week
Subtracting known commitments eg 4 hours every Wed, 3 hours every 2nd Thurs and 5 hours on any 5th Monday of the month.
Then subtracting known weekly commitments that have to be done, but not on any particular day eg 1