Version 0.9.25PreRel10 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2009/12/22 00:35
Pre-Rel10 is now available:
  • Quick search has 2 new features
    • Google-like search: Now uses the same syntax as Google:
      • cal the : will find anything that has both "cal" and "the" (so this will find the string "The Calendar")
      • calendar or outlook : either "calendar" or "outlook"
      • "the calendar": the string "the calendar"
      • It even supports ( ), so complex ones like: "the calendar" or (info and pivot)   will work!
    • Show results in one of 3 views
      • Search Grid
      • New Search Grid
      • Current grid as Hoisted items
        (This one is really neat ! )
  • Save and Load Keyboard shortcuts (only main menu for now, not those of the HTML pane)
  • Hoist up 1 level
Enjoy !


Hey ! This is awesome ! Can't wait to try all that tomorrow !
Thanks !!

>HTML pane caption not updating when collapsed

But the HTML pane caption is now blanked out when not collapsed.

Quick Search looks terrific, thanks Pierre!

Pierre, thanks for all the fixes, updates, additions & surprises. 
The new search GUI & possibilities are great additions.... and...
I have two questions about it:
1. search w details reveals "shown in" column withe results for some items but not others. why? 
2. what's the difference in content between the drop down search results vs what's left in the dialog?
Many thanks for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/22 11:54

In reply to by Tom

Yes, thank you, Tom. I just would have thought it would have been fixed by now.
The ability to click on the 'shown in' link is a help both in identifying what appear to be duplicates of the same item & for other reasons
I reviewed the thread you referenced and all the notes like "grid must be closed" etc to make it work, don't work here
Furthermore, when I opened a search grid from 'show in' link I couldn't sort from the column headers
I guess i shouldn't be so picky given the progress by leaps & bounds that Pierre is making
It makes me sound un-grateful for all the things that DO WORK so beautifully.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/22 11:41

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

hoist up one level is really neat !
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/22 13:46

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

1. search w details reveals "shown in" column withe results for some items but not others. why? 
I have the same question -- I understand it hasn't been answered yet, has it?. Thanks
Take care,


2009/12/22 13:52

In reply to by jsolka

not to my knowledge, Jay
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2

Hi Pierre -- busy day today...
The google like search is great !
-- Like you said the "Hoist in current grid" option is great ! This is really nice.
What comes to mind (of course) would be the ability to hoist items in any grid. That would complement the "shown in" admirably.
-- It seems that searching for different terms doesn't "mix" all text fields : if a term is found in a field, IQ will continue looking in that field instead of taking into account all other fields simultaneously. (Meaning that it won't find "A term from field 1" AND "A term from field 2" etc.) Am I right ?
There's so few time today : I'll try to give more precisions later.


2009/12/22 11:47

In reply to by Armando

-- It seems that searching for different terms doesn't "mix" all text fields : if a term is found in a field, IQ will continue looking in that field instead of taking into account all other fields simultaneously. (Meaning that it won't find "A term from field 1" AND "A term from field 2" etc.) Am I right ?
Yes you are correct. Database wise, combining all text fields is difficult, so right now, each text field is treated separately.


2009/12/22 15:26

In reply to by Armando

You can achieve this in a 2 step process:
  1. Search for the first term (select Search Entire File). Show all the results
  2. With the search results shown, search for the second term, this time selecting Search Current Grid. This way you can, for example, search for items that the the words "Calendar" and are of color Red.


2009/12/23 18:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Wow the google style search sounds fantastic! 

Pre-rel11 is now available.
All users should update as there is a issue with the HTML and properties panes not synchronizing when adding items... kind of essential isn't
Other changes:
  1. The Calendar toolbar buttons for next / previous (day, month, year) are now auto-repeating. Press and hold (to help avoid mouse-related fatigue)
  2. File>>Save As now prompts to copy the content of the YourIQBase.files folder (web clippings, etc)
  3. Probably some other things, but I can't remember... afterall it is Christmas eve...
To all beta testers, a big
Merry Christmas everyone !!!


2009/12/24 01:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I think perhaps the thanks should be from us the users to you the developer, Pierre. An excellent year's work for which I for one am very grateful
Donc joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2009/12/24 01:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you Pierre ! And a merry Christmas to you too.


2009/12/24 07:10

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Great work, Pierre. Thank you for all of the time you've put into this project. Have a great holiday!


2009/12/24 08:20

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank You Pierre !!
a Happy Christmas to you too !!


2009/12/24 08:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

And on this forum there is great comraderie (sp?) & xmas spirit all year long.  That spirit starts from the top -- that's you, Pierre. So thank you for all that plus this wonderful program you've created. Merry Xmas to you & your family.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/24 10:53

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Just to add my voice in thanks for all your hard work and a great program.
Joyeux Noel!


2009/12/24 12:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks to all. It is a pleasure (and a great source of motivation) working with such a friendly crowd!


2009/12/24 14:19

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Merry Christmas Pierre,
You done a wonderful job, your technical brilliance is apparent. What is also apparent are your people skills and patience in dealing with the forum on daily basis. Merry Christmas to all and thanks again!!


2009/12/24 15:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, congratulations on all you've accomplished in creating an associative database that's a real pleasure to use. You've mastered your instrument, attacking each day's tasks with boundless energy and phenomenal self-discipline.
A toast to great and richly-deserved success as you take InfoQube to the next level in 2010.
