Clipping Questions

Submitted by David_H on 2016/01/28 01:06
1. Do any of you use other tools to clean things up so you insert in IQ?  I just started playing with the Firefox clipper for the first time and I don't find it useful for me in its current state, it seems to just try to clip the entire page as opposed to an article contents.
2. There is an HTML button on the clipper tool.  It doesn't seem to do anything.  I assumed it was for opening an HTML pane so you can see the clipping before importing it?
3. The help documentation shows a check box that I assume is now gone.  I can't remember the exact name but it was something like "close clipping window when done".  That no longer exists?

How do I force file to open without restoring layout?

Submitted by Tom on 2016/01/27 05:15
I need this about once every two years and can neither remember nor find it.
IQ is set to open previous file -- with last layout -- on starting. (Without dialogue.)
Then one day it chokes on something and you're stuck there...
Anyone know what is the method to force IQ to display the dialogue or even to simply open the file without previous layout ?
EDIT// Pierre's Answer:
You can hold the shift key while opening IQ to prohibit opening the last file. You can also hold the shift key to prevent restoring the layout

Using the Popup Editor

The Popup Editor is a WYSIWYG editor to edit items and other text fields.
It is generally accessible from the main menu and context menus. The default keyboard shortcut is Shift + F2
It can be used from the following UI elements:
  • Grids (text cells and header caption)
  • Calendar
  • Surface
  • MapView
  • Properties Pane

1.0 Formatting

To format text, you can use:
  • Formatting toolbar
  • With text selected or not, right-click to show the context menu. Supports all formatting options:

Pasting images in the grid

Submitted by WayneK on 2016/01/22 20:05
I want to create a dictionary of symbols.  Each symbol is to be shown in its own cell, with the name displayed in the adjacent item column. Additional info would be in the HTML pane or in subitems.  It appears you can only paste images in the item column.  I've tried every other column type but none will accept images.
I thought for sure I'd tested this before and you could freely copy/paste images in any column.  Am I mis-remembering or is something not working?  Is there another way to accomplish what I want?
Thanks, Wayne

delay when pressing Enter to create new item in grid

Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/01/22 16:48
I am curious about Infoqube's behavior when I press Enter to create a New Item in a grid.
Say I am editing an Item that is not the bottom item in the grid, i.e. there are more items below the current item.  If I press Enter to finish editing the item, create a new item immediately under the current item, and move to that new item - there is a considerabe delay.
I have found that creating new items is a lot more zippy if I go to the bottom of the grid and press Enter a number of items to create several new items.  Then, as I continue entering more items in the grid, I just press the Down Arrow key to move from item to new item and enter my text.   I'm wondering why this might be so.
Also ...

Live Links to IQ Grids from Word and Excel

Through ODBC, many application can view IQ data.
With Office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, ODBC can of course be used, but an even easier method uses ODC connections. Either way, you then have live connections to IQ data and you can:
  • Perform mail-merge, and email-merge
  • Share IQ grid content with other users that don't have InfoQube, simply by send them an Excel file.