Auto-number issues

Submitted by gregory on 2017/07/11 08:52
Two linked issues here.
  1. There is a facility to create the next number in a sequence by double-clicking on a numeric field. The first issue is that I can no longer find where that is documented.
  2. Second issue: this functionality no longer appears to work in version 0.9.98a. If I double-click in an empty field, a new number is assigned. However, when I navigate away from that field, the newly created value simply vanishes. If I double-click on a number previously created in an earlier version of InfoQube, or indeed if I just navigate to the field using arrow keys, the number is initially displayed but as I navigate out of the field it vanishes; the field becomes blank.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Using InfoQube instead of relational database: Q & A, suggestions here

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2017/07/10 17:03
Hi IQ Users !

I just completed Using InfoQube instead of relational database: A hands-on example of the many advanced features built-in
Q & A, suggestions, let's use this page to discuss it !
IQ Designer

Visual Basic Editor

Sometimes relations between fields cannot be defined by a simple equation. In such cases, the user can write a user-defined function. The required parameters are passed to the function which calculates it output. For example, in the default template, the item color is automatically changed based on an Urgency value (itself calculated)

ItemColor =CalcColor( [Urgency] )

CalcColor is itself defined by a VBScript equation::

Function CalcColor(Urgency) ' calculation of the itemcolor color code based on the Urgency level

Can not import CSV file in to some mapped 'field's

Submitted by seanlu21 on 2017/07/09 04:36
I am importing a list of items in a  csv file into a existed grid.
I followed by File/Import from/Non-hierarchit file,
In step 2 I had found all the mapping fields, including and strangely some fields name come with a " [  xxx ] "
then in step 3 , I noticed all the mapped field name with " [  ] " does not appear, therefor the columns imported are wrong ( because the field with name "[ ]" disappear ).
Can tell what does that " [ ] " mean when mapping field ?

Cannot link IQ grid to Microsoft Excel - 64-bit Windows / Office

Submitted by gregory on 2017/07/08 01:31
I’m trying to link IQ data into Microsoft Word. To do this, I'm creating a Microsoft Office ODC file in IQ, following:

7.30 Live Links to IQ Grids from Word and Excel (node 1254)

This used to work, on another computer running Windows 7.  On 10/06/2015 Wednesday, I note that I had successfully linked InfoQube to Excel.

My current setup is a new computer running Windows 10 Creators’ Edition, Microsoft Office Subscription Product Microsoft Office 365, Version 1706 (Build 8229.2073 Click-to-Run), Office Updates are automatically downloaded and installed,  Microsoft® Word 2016 MSO (16.0.8229.2073) 64-bit.

I’m using InfoQube 0.9.98a

I get this message in Excel if when I open the ODC file I specify ‘Add this data to the data model’:

IQ as a Relational Database: Book Review Process

InfoQube is exceptionally powerful and allows user to create functionality which traditionally requires a significant investment of time and programming knowledge using a relational database.
In this example, we'll describe a end-to-end book review process with the following pieces of information:
  • Authors
  • Books
  • Reviewers
  • Book Reviews
  • Rating (individual and overall)
  • Outcome
  • Communications
In addition, specific views will ease these management tasks:
  • Flagging late reviews
  • List of book reviews for each reviewer with status
  • Pivot pie chart showing the count of Authors per country
The end result will be a dashboard to manage all aspects of this process:

How to select columns / rows?

Submitted by WayneK on 2017/07/06 16:51
Has something changed with column / row selection?  I used to select a row by clicking on the leftmost outline number column.  Now nothing happens.  I used to select a column by selecting the header.  Now it appears to do a sort.
Unrelated observation: why does this website make me repeatedly log in?  Most websites can be set to remember you.

Grid source can be changed inadvertently after pop-up list selection [FIXED 0.9.98b]

Submitted by gregory on 2017/07/06 02:08
I use fields defined as list of items pop-up extensively. I have a field called Tags with Editor settings List of items pop-up,multi-select. If I select value(s) and close the dialogue using Alt+o or by clicking OK when I have the source bar displayed, the focus is shifted to the source bar. So when I press down-arrow - hoping to move to the next item in the current grid - IQ selects a different field as the the grid source! That isn't necessarily catastrophic because IQ warns you that you are about to change the grid source, but it is annoying to have to shift the focus back to the grid data.

Sync with a fictitious SQL Server database

The fictitious SQL Server back-end database contains contact information (companies, contacts, record status, etc). It is used as part of a secure web-site, where users can view/modify their information. The managing organization already uses InfoQube for CRM type information and wanted to link to the web-site information as its agents were answering calls/emails.

The following configuration file can be used:

<ConnectionString>PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;PASSWORD=SomePassword;PERSIST SECURITY INFO=TRUE;USER ID=SomeUser;INITIAL CATALOG=YourDataBase;DATA SOURCE=SQLServerIP;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096