Version 0.9.108a is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2018/02/16 14:19
Hi IQ Users !
Well, well, v108 was supposed to be a minor update to v107, basically adding support for Calendar repeating events.
As it turned out, from one thing to another, just about every aspect of IQ was worked on.
The Calendar of course, but also Workspace tabs, numerous aspects of grids (filtering, hoist, drag-drop, columns), Gantt charts, Universal links, Toolbars and

Split Items & Multiple Parents

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/02/15 16:04
Example: You have a large paragraph assigned to multiple parents. You want to split the single large item into into two or three smaller items to make them easier to read.
When you do this, the new item doesn't inherit the multiple parents. You have to track down all the other parents and manually copy/paste the new split items. If you fail to do this, the split info will disappear altogether from the other parents and information in those contexts will be lost.
I tried using the split dialog with "duplicate item values" checked but apparently parent assignments are not considered values.
I don't know all the implications of changing how this works, but wouldn't it make sense to have split items inherit multiple parents?  Or is there a way right now to avoid this problem?

Column Sets Suggestions

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/02/10 11:54
Here's a couple of suggestions for column sets.  As always, let me know if there are already settings/options that address these:
1) Saved column sets should retain column widths.  Right now, every time I load a set of text columns I have to manually adjust each column to display the text.
2) Saved column sets should retain arrangement info.  Right now, columns are loaded to the right of the item column.  If original arrangement has the item column placed 4th from the left, this positioning is lost when the column set is loaded. (Note: not sure this is worth fixing since the column order IS preserved, so all you have to do is move the item column into the right position.)
Somewhat related: I hope it's still in the plans to somehow save grid layouts when InfoQube crashes. 