Configuring the Clipping Footer

You can configure what additional information is added to the clipping using the HTMLClipperTemplate.htm file.
You can use the following tags to substitute clipping info:
  • {ClipURL}
  • {ClipDateTime}
  • {ClipDate}
  • {ClipTime}
  • {User}
  • {Title}: Page title
  • {ClipContent}: This tag must be enclosed by <!-- {StartClip} --> and <!-- {EndClip} --> tags
The default template adds: 
  1. A horizontal line after the clipping
  2. The URL of the clipping, Date and the current user
  3. A second horizontal line
The code for the default template:
<!-- {StartClip} -->
<!-- {EndClip} -->
<div><font size=1><HR>Clipped from: <A href='{ClipURL}' target=_blank>{ClipURL}</A> On: {ClipDateTime} By: {User}<HR></font></div>
The HTMLClipperTemplate.htm file can be found:
  • Portable version: Users\YourName folder in the installation folder.
  • Installable version: Documents and settings\YourName\Application Data\InfoQube
The default HTMLClipperTemplate.htm file which is used for new users is located in:  IQ Program folder\AppFiles
  • The default file is overwritten on program installation
  • This is an html file so you can use html tags, such as <b>, <hr>, etc