selected tags(s) only search

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/10/01 00:30
Is there a way to filter items to show those that are tagged with the selected tag(s) and no other tags?  This would be helpful for finding items that need to be categorized with more tags.  Maybe there could be a "no other tags" tag that could be used to filter items. 
The ItemTags grid column is useful for finding such items - it can be visually scanned, sorted, etc. but a filter would be even better. 
Sorry if this has already been asked and answered!

Confusing date selection in calendar

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/09/28 07:24
Right click the button to go to the following year, e.g. 2020. Now click on the button to select a month and pick one. This brings me back to month in 2019. The selected year should stick, shouldn't it? As it is, I have to select the month first, then change the year. It's not a problem if you use the arrow buttons, only when you click on the month name selector...

Maintaining the contextual order of items when presented as a subset of the items in another Grid

Submitted by patteoks on 2019/09/27 03:55
I have an example master list of items in Notes Grid and I would like to see a subset of the list in Note Subset Grid.

As I select the items that I would like to see in the Notes Subset Grid, I simply tick them off in the Notes Grid going from top to bottom.

However, when I view the items in the Notes Subset Grid, they are in the reversed order of how I ticked them off.

This can be very confusing as they lose their contextual meaning and it gets worse as the number of items increases.

How do I maintain the selected ticked off items within the Notes Subset Grid in the same order as they would appear in the Notes Grid so that their contextual order and meaning remains intact.

Disappearing tag

Submitted by WayneK on 2019/09/26 18:14
I just lost a Tag from the Tags grid.  It just suddenly blinked out and disappeared in the same way I was losing grid items a while back. 
I found the tag using search and was able to restore it to the Tags grid but it will not show up in the Tags pane and it appears it has lost all its assignments (I checked a lot of items that should have the tag and they're all missing the tag).
Would like to see if any assignments are still active but don't know how to do that if it won't show up in the Tags pane.  Since it has lost assignments I guess I'll have to start over with a new Tag.
Fairly disturbing because there's a lot of work involved in making tag assignments. 
Anyone else have this happen or have a preventative or remedy?  When I had the problem with items disappearing, I created a network of backup grids.  Maybe I need to do something like

Shift Control Left Arrow Taken Over in Doc Pane

Submitted by josh on 2019/09/26 14:02
When I am in the doc pane and I am editing a document, I often use Shift+Control+Left Arrow to select the previous word. When I use it in the doc pane in a Markdown document, it uses the shortcut set for Back under View (category) in the keyboard shortcuts panel.
Is there a way to keep the keyboard shortcuts focus in the doc pane when actively editing?
For now I've turned off that shortcut, I don't think I've ever used it on purpose but for others this may be an issue.

Live-Search grid item selection + column problem

Submitted by Armando on 2019/09/26 12:42
- Search for something
- In the live search grid, try to select some contiguous or non contiguous items with the mouse + keyb. modifier (shift, ctrl) : the precious selection is deselected every time the mouse is clicked.
Also: columns don't stay the way I set them and they always need to be resized to display the itemcreated and modified dates properly. I also don't use the "tags" column, and I'd like to make it as small as possible...

Copy/paste of synced events in calendar

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/09/26 07:18
Coping and then pasting a synced event in the calendar will lead to this issue:
1. on paste, the event is moved rather than copied
2. on scrolling the calendar, the event will split into two separate events in the destination time slot
3. at one point after messing around with those split items, I was unable to use drag and drop on any items in the calendar - after scrolling the items would always return to their starting slot in the calendar.