v74a - Popup Editor buttons (OK, Cancel) not displayed

Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/04/15 06:23
I managed to reproduce it in this video.
When the Popup Editor is large enough (i.e. after working with a larger item text), it will not show the buttons from its lower part (not the best wording) when editing an item lower in a grid. Since the window is not so easy to move (I have found out one work-around by accident in the video :) ) it can be frustrating when trying to access the buttons and not rely solely on shortcuts (alt+o, alt+c).

higlilighting for Auto-Search and column filter terms in grids

Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/04/14 03:42
Sure would be great if we could have all instances of auto-search and column filter terms highlighted in our grids - just as they are higlighted in the Quick Find grid.  It would be very helpful for visually scanning our grids for the terms we are looking for (without having to press keys, etc).  You might provide a simple toggle button to turn this highlighting on and off. 
I know that we can already see Auto-Search text highlighted, but we have to press F3 to see the next matching instance of the text.  Instead I would like it if all instances of the auto-search text in the grid are highlighted simultaneously as we type.

more visible indication of active pane and selected item?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/04/13 02:45
I've been experimenting with navigating between grid and properties panes, and within the properties pane, using the keyboard.
If the properties pane is undocked, there is a clear indication of which pane is active - the color of the active title bar of the window.
However, if the properties pane is docked to one side, we do not have this indication of which pane is active.
I can't go by the "Selected Item Background Color", because the current item in both Grid and Properties pane has this same background color - whether the pane is active or not.
In this case, the only visual indication of which pane is active is the very small dotted "marquee" around the text in the current grid cell, or the current item/value in the properties pane.  It's not very eye-catching.  Is it possible to have a more eye-catching cue of which pane and which item/valu

IQ Crashes When Resizing Field Properties Window

Submitted by David_H on 2016/04/13 01:10
This one may be difficult to track down.  It's literally the only time I can remember experiencing IQ crashing in the last year, and it's totally random, and happens a minority of  the time I do it.  Tools > Field Properties.  I then often resize the field properties window to a different size, so I can be looking at something else in IQ as I am making changes to a field.  As I'm resizing the field properties window, IQ (on occasion) crashes.  I am 90% certain I've had it happen on both computers I run IQ on.
Low priority but since crashes are never fun, and as a rule IQ otherwise never crashes, I figured I'd report it.

Make icon insertion feature in "column headers"/"properties pane fields names" more obvious

Submitted by Armando on 2016/04/12 11:35
Pierre noted that icon insertion in headers and properties pane fields names** was easily possible in that thread Difficulty/bug entering data in number fields :
An easier way now exists (since v0.9.26PreRel57): Column > Column Header > Caption ... A rich text editor comes up. Right-click to format and add icons.
IQ Designer
However, the  feature is somewhat hidden as you need right click in the text box to notice it. Or read the help file.

Maybe add a button in that textbox?
**(It's also possible to add icons/gifs by manually enclosing the icon file name with html tags as I always did and as I noted elsewhere).