Export to other Outliners

When copying one or more items, InfoQube puts a number of different formats in the clipboard:
  1. Tab-Indented Outline
  2. XML
  3. OPML
  4. HTML
These clipboard format are text-based but are not all are supported by other applications.
To convert them to a standard text format, use this free clipboard viewer utility: InsideClipboard:
The steps are:
  1. Select items
  2. Edit > Copy or Edit > Copy > Copy Special
  3. Open InsideClipboard
  4. Select a clipboard format. The text content will appear in the lower pane
  5. Select and copy the lower pane content (Select All context menu)
  6. Paste in the application
  7. If the application prefers importing through a file, open Notepad and paste the text into it. Save that file and proceed with file import
As support for hierarchical data is non standard, users are encouraged to try each format and determine the one giving the best results