Export between IQBases

To export items from one IQBase to another, use one of the following 2 methods:
  1. Tab-delimited list of items and field-values
  2. XML format

1. Tab-delimited

To copy a flat list of items with limited number of field-values, a simple tab-delimited copy / paste can be done
The steps are:
  1. Setup a grid with the items and desired field-values as columns
  2. Select items and columns (or Edit > Select All)
  3. Edit > Copy: Selected grid rows and columns
  4. In the destination IQBase, setup an identical grid
  5. Create a blank item and select it
  6. Edit > Paste

2. XML format

XML format copy / paste creates exact item replicas, that is with the same field values and properties
The steps are:
  1. If the export must contain field values, these fields must be created in the destination IQBase first
  2. Select the items to export
  3. In the destination IQBase, Edit > Copy > Copy Special (if more than one column is selected, Edit > Copy is sufficient)
  4. The following dialog will appear:

  5. Select one of the 2 XML options (#5 or #6)
  6. Check "Only copy user values" to exclude system fields
  7. In the destination IQBase, open any grid. Select the # column.
  8. Edit > Paste
  9. Items will be created.
  10. To view the new items, you can
    • Use the Journal grid
    • Edit > Find
    • Open a grid where these items meet the source
    • Open the Properties Pane and double-click on a field which the new items have values