IQ extension for Thunderbird does not function for v3

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/09 16:00
I know you're very busy w calendar, Pierre, but maybe you can look @ the IQ extension situation.
TB v3 has been out for  a while. This request for an update to the extension has been open for quite a while.
I use TB & IQ on a daily basis.
The IQ extension no longer works for TB v3
I'd appreciate it if the extension could be updated sooner than later.
Thank you very much.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

Labeled/sequential item relationships

Submitted by Magnus Brogie on 2009/11/09 13:53
Currently the grids are structured (as far as I know) in a strictly hiearchal, mindmap-like manner. I think it would make IQ even more powerful if it allowed for labeled &/or non hiearchal &/or sequential item-item relationships. That would take IQ beyond outlining and into text-based conceptmapping and flowcharting. Labeled relationships would result in every itembranch becoming a kind of sentence. Sequential relationships would allow for advanced and intuitive dependencies and  process description. I also think itemanchored grids would allow for  more inuitive and powerful IQ-browsing capabilities. This would demand reversible relationships, i.e. the labels are changed (inverted) depending on which item is hiearchally closest to the grid "anchor". 
Cheers from Sweden

Enter special unicode characters

Submitted by ThomR on 2009/11/09 11:26
Can someone help me with entering special characters? I am used to using a little utility for my operating system to enter unicode characters (found here:, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with infoqube. I also don't have a separate number keypad on my notebook, so alt+number ascii codes only work sporadically, and not for certain characters that I like to use quite frequently (e.g., ≠ and ∴). Thanks.

viewing URLs & other docs within IQ browser

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/09 09:58
While this function has been present in URp for a long time, it appears it will also be included in the new Zoot 6. Personally, I find this function quite convenient & wonder why / if it's possible with IQ. Maybe I'm missing something but it looks to me like IQ does not yet have this function.  To me a neat option: click 2x on link = opens in IQ html pane, <ctrl>+click = opens in external browser.  Same for other native files.
Could someone explain to me why this doesn't happen in IQ & if it's difficult to implement. Just asking....
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

TLI goes blank

Submitted by Jon on 2009/11/09 09:37
IQ H5 running on Vista. IQ is set up so that enter creates a new item.
1. Create a new TLI using enter.
2. Insert date using CTRL D.
3. Press enter to create a new TLI.
See? The item is blank. This should remain populated with the date. At least I think so.
EDIT: The date disappears when you move out of the item no matter what method is used (arrow keys, mouse click on another item). The only way to get it saved is to add a character.

Field mgmt, delete then save

Submitted by KeithB on 2009/11/09 06:46
When I delete a field in field management, it deletes fine. But if I click Save, the field I deleted, renames the next field down.
I think I renamed some fields inadvertently this way, and I believe that's what is causing the errors I sent you via email. I can't get into quite a few of my grids now. 
[edit ] I found I had a recent backup; I'm up and running again. (But the bug does need looked at eventually)

calendar suggestion

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/07 19:35
Pierre, since you are up to your neck in calendar, I thought I'd throw this on the table.
IQ works beautifully with thunderbird & firefox -- all universally available apps
In the same vein, do you think there is a chance of interfacing IQ calendar w Google calendar?
Thanks for your consideration.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

selecting font size in tollbar in html pane - not

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/07 11:10
Before entering any data, I sometimes want to change font & size so in format toolbar I select font then jump over to select size but the drop down doesn't hold its display & it's impossible to select a size.  OTOH if I enter my data, then do the same via the context menu, it works fine.
And I'm still unable to change the default formatting via new HTML & new MHT files. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

copy & paste to the right level in hoisted grid

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/07 09:01
Two things on this:
1. I'm seeing trouble here when I paste to one level, I see the inserted item placed at a different level. Example
A. Parent
  1. child
   2. child
B. Parent
   a. child
   b. child
If I copy child 'b', focus on parent 'B' and command paste, I find the pasted item under Parent 'A' as a sibling to child '1' & '2'
Also Parent 'B" is collapsed
And as an aside, I think it has to be made clear to the user that the cursor has to be on the # column to execute a copy / paste of any kind.
Thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA