keystroke navigation in properties pane

Submitted by jimspoon on 2025/03/22 01:09

A few things I'd like to see in the properties pane, to make it fully keyboard-navigable just like other parts of the IQ GUI are keyboard-navigable.

The Properties Pane contains an "outline" of sorts.

The top level headings are Item Properties, Marked Items, Grids, Forms, All Fields.  These are shown with a Darker Blue background.

Deleting unneeded fields

Submitted by Maxbear35 on 2025/03/19 17:48

When I imported data from ECCO, IQ also brought in all the ECCO fields, many of which are either redundant or no longer useful. To streamline the data in IQ, I’ve been attempting to remove some of the zero-entry fields. However, I’ve noticed that certain fields cannot be deleted, as the delete option is greyed out.

Could you please advise if there’s a way to remove these unnecessary fields?

Updating (refreshing) the "Link Text" after creating an "Inline Item Link"?

Submitted by dderkits on 2025/03/17 17:13


1) Create new Item X, containing a text string such as "this is original text".

2) Create new Item Y and type "[[" within Item Y to bring up the "Embed Link to..." dialog.

3) In Item Y, use the dialog to embed a link to Item X (with "Use Item Text" checkmarked in the dialog).

4) Now, Item Y displays a clickable link ("this is original text") that points to Item X.

5) Modify the text of Item X, such as "this is MODIFIED NOT original text".

A Public Thank You to Pierre for the Incredible Work on the IQ Calendar

Submitted by Maxbear35 on 2025/03/09 20:18

I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank Pierre for the outstanding work he has done on reworking and upgrading the IQ Calendar. The improvements have brought it to a point where it now rivals—and in most cases surpasses—many dedicated calendar apps available today.

How to scroll by week in calendar (KB shortcut)?

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2025/03/07 08:23

Hi Pierre, not really a bug but a "lost" feature: Before the recent calendar-related update that changed the cursor behaviour when focus is on the calendar, I could use cursor up / down to move through the calendar in weekly increments. Currently, when the focus is outside, the "scheduled area" (not sure this describes it correctly), I can use cursor / up down to move by day and Ctrl-up/down to move by week but this does not work when an individual event is focused.