Editing items

Item text and other field values can be editing in most views and in the Properties pane:
  1. Grids
  2. Map View
  3. IQ Surface
  4. Calendar
  5. Card View
  6. Item Editor
Grids have in-place editing (in both plain text and WYSIWYG). In other views the Pop-up editor or the Item Editor can be used to edit. Use Shift+F2 / Ctrl+E to open these

1. In Grids

Grids is the most common way to view and edit items. It has view and edit modes. Press F2 to switch between the two: 
  • When editing, the left-right cursors/ is limited to the cell.
  • The up-down arrows are limited to the cell if the Up/Dn button on the status bar is enabled (). Otherwise they will end editing and move the focus to the prev/next item
  • When editing a text cell using the WYSIWYG editor, Alt + up-down arrows changes the size of the editing window
  • When not editing, all cursor keys enable quick movements between cells
  • When over a text cell, the OVR status bar button (Overtype) sets what happens when you start typing:
    • OVR On: will replace the content with the new text (press ESC to cancel it if not what you wanted)
    • OVR Off: will append your new text. No need to scroll to the end
  • For non-text cells (number, date), Overtype is always On
  • For number cells, pressing an operator will enter equation mode. For example if 10 is in the cell, pressing +5 will write =10+5. Hit Enter to do the operation. Operators are the standard + - * /
  • F2 will toggle editing (3 states when a editing form is available, such as for dates)
  • Shift+F2 brings up a large, resizable, editing window, the Pop-up editor
  • Ctrl+E brings up the Item Editor, which provides a IU to view / edit common item values: Item text, Doc pane, Notes, URL, Inbox, Due, Tags and Folders

2. In the Properties pane

  • The Properties pane behaves in a very similar manner as grids, except that fields are shown vertically, instead of horizontally
  • In addition to field-values, the Properties pane show parents, children, siblings, tags, related
  • Details here

3. In the Calendar

  • Double-click, Right-click > Edit Event or press F2 to show the Event Dialog.
  • To just edit the item text (i.e. the event title), press Shift+F2 to show the Pop-up editor or Ctrl+E for the Item Editor

4. In other views, such as Map View, Card View, IQ Surface

  • Double-click, Right-click >Edit or press F2 to show the Pop-up editor
  • Ctrl+E to open the Item Editor

5. New Item dialog


n.b. Entering Line-breaks

IQ grid text columns have 2 settings that affect how multi-line items are shown (not editing) or while editing
  1. Column > Wordwrap:
    • If Off, multi-line items show as a single line. When editing however, the line breaks will be shown
    • If On, multi-line items show and edit as multi-line
  2. Column > Use WYSIWYG Editor:
    1. If Off, the edit box will automatically expand
    2. If On, the edit box automatically expand. use Alt + Down arrow to increase the edit box size.
      The advantage of the WYSIWYG editor, apart of being WYSIWYG of course, is that it supports spell-check !