View Menu

  • Refresh: Most views refresh automatically. Some don't (by-design). A Refresh ensures that the view shows the most updated information
Views: InfoQube items can be viewed using a set of different UIs, each with a distinct visual appearance / layout. These are:

Edit Menu

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy: Split button with the following sub-commands
    • Copy as HTML Outline: Copies the selected item and all its sub-items + Doc pane content as a Heading styles-based compound document. Details here: 2. Export Outlines (Print-ready)
    • Copy as Hyperlink: Copies the current item in the form of a hyperlink. Paste elsewhere to link back to this item
    • Copy Item IDs: Puts the list of selected items in the clipboard (plain text, comma separated). Useful for filtering and linking
    • Copy Item URIs: Puts the list of selected items in the clipboard as a URI link. (IQ:// protocol).
      See InfoQube Program Install and Set-up and Hyperlinks on setting up and using URI universal links
    • Copy Special...: Shows a dialog of copy options

File Menu

  • New: Pop-up menu to creates a new IQBase from a template. Menu list all templates files, such as:
    • New Blank IQBase
    • New IQBase (with sample data)
    • Looks up in the current folder and in the AppFiles folder
  • Open: Shows the File Open dialog. If a file is currently loaded, the selected file will open in a new InfoQube window
  • Close
  • Save as...: Save the current IQBase under a different name

sorting on column added to grid doesn't work until grid is refreshed

Submitted by jimspoon on 2017/05/30 18:32
 I added a column "micro sd" to a grid.  The new column appeared to the right of the previous right-most column, "usb flash drives".
I right-clicked on the column header for the new "micro sd" column, and clicked "sort items ascending".
Instead of sorting the items in ascending order of the values in the "micro sd" column, the items were sorted in the ascending order of the values in the "usb flash drives" column.
The above process for sorting the items on the values in the "micro sd" column did not work until after I refreshed the grid.

Limiting a Search?

Submitted by Tom on 2017/05/30 09:48
Wondering how to limit a search --
a good example is:
ai is a common abbreviation for Adobe illustrator -- one that I also use.
Searching (Ctrl+F) for ai, I get items with words like awaiting, Craig
(NOTE: I also get some results where I cannot see any instance of ai within the text)
Adding a space before and after 'ai' didnt change anything
Is there any way I can search for 'ai' as a word?
(or is this a feature request?)
IQ 97a

Disappearing Cursor - Help!

Submitted by David_H on 2017/05/29 15:51
I'm looking for input from other users and hope Pierre does not respond until off vacation.  A month or so ago there were some discussions where a few of us were experiencing the disappearing cursor issue again, where when clicking to edit a grid item the cursor is invisible, and you can't tell where it is until you start to type.  I can't find that thread though I did find the threads at the bottom here where it had been discussed in the past, for a very long time I'd had no issues and thought an update addressed it.
It's now happening to me on both PC's I run IQ on, one running Win 7 and one Win 10.  Is anyone else still experiencing this?

wysiwyg editor - option for default height of wysiwyg editor box?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2017/05/25 12:42
 In lieu of an "auto-expanding" wysiwyg editor box, it would be good at least to be able to specify a default height for the edit box, say 3 or 4 lines.  I find myself automatically pressing Alt+Down a few times, just to have some room to work.  Would be nice not to have to do that.

[minor] Colors gone

Submitted by Tom on 2017/05/19 10:42
This for the record:
Today I opened an older file that I use only occasionally:
all colour highlighting was gone.
Closed the file (to update IQ from 97 to 97a), opened it again, and got this error message (didnt notice an error message from 97, but may have pressed return on it without thinking/noticing):
Error loading colors specific to this IQBase. Use Tools>>Options to set these again. (You can open a backup file to retrieve the item color settings)