Copy: Split button with the following sub-commands
Copy as HTML Outline: Copies the selected item and all its sub-items + Doc pane content as a Heading styles-based compound document. Details here: 2. Export Outlines (Print-ready)
Copy as Hyperlink: Copies the current item in the form of a hyperlink. Paste elsewhere to link back to this item
Copy Item IDs: Puts the list of selected items in the clipboard (plain text, comma separated). Useful for filtering and linking
Copy Item URIs: Puts the list of selected items in the clipboard as a URI link. (IQ:// protocol).
See InfoQube Program Install and Set-up and Hyperlinks on setting up and using URI universal links
Copy Special...: Shows a dialog of copy options
Paste: Split button with the following sub-commands:
Paste as Plain Text
Paste Special...: Shows the list of clipboard formats to paste
Delete Item: Removes the selected items from the IQBase. Warning, cannot be undone !
Edit (F2) and Popup Editor (Shift+F2): Details: 3. Popup Editor
Select All
Toggle Case
Renumber items... Shows a dialog to renumber cell values:
To use, select 2 or more cells (text or number), Edit > Renumber and set options. The cell content will be replaced with the numbering, so do not do this command on the Item column ! Use Edit > Undo to cancel operation
Re-Calculate: If the field has a row equation, it will recalculate
Touch: Simulates modifying a field value and so it will execute field auto-assignments if any are defined
If the field-value is empty (or unchecked), will trigger the Erase event (E:), else the Modify event (M:) will be triggered. Supports multiple items selected. The same can be done in the Properties pane
Search: Opens the Live-Search tab. Details: 1. Live-Search. Split button with the following sub-commands: